Convert Microsoft to LINUX: In memory of Okra P. Dingle

In Memory of Okra P. Dingle

Okra P. Dingle September 30, 1964 - November 25, 2022. I had the pleasure of getting to know Okra over his last year in this incarnation. We played music together in the Bright Moments band, having a public performance at the Alluvium Church in Eugene, Oregon on Juneteenth day 2022. The poem which was read with musical accompaniment you will find here. It is called Bloos in the Face. There is a second poem HalleAlluvium which was not done. You will also find the cue sheet for the performance we gave. I also really enjoyed the literary cultural side of Okra. He was a world traveller and worked at the Strand Bookstore in NYC for many years. It is like the Powell's Books of the east coast, unfortunately no longer in existence. Enjoy!

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We had a beautiful ceremony for Okra at the Alluvium on Sunday January 8th in the early evening with people sharing memories, showing videos of Okra and playing some of the music the Bright Moments band played which he was very much a part of. Here is a card that the nursing staff of the Coast Forks Nursing Center Hospice Staff in Cottage Grove , Oregon.
view card

Here is what they wrote inside the card.


I will have more pics and notes here in the future. This is a work in progress.